Better late than never

It’s rather later in the week than usual for the blog post, but having returned from a weekend in London there’s now time to sit down and make sure that the weekly updates continue.

For some of the week 365-related inspiration was rather lacking, I even descended to the car keys featuring on Monday, but both Portia and London provided more fertile photographic ground later in the week, indeed Portia became popular once again:

Portia's morning run (061 / 365)


In London, a visit to The Little Black Gallery to pick up some long-stored books was followed by a walk through Hyde Park to our hotel:

Sam, Hyde Park, London

It’s a shame we didn’t have longer to wander around London, although that downside was tempered by finding a very nice pub to eat, drink and be merry in before going on to the Royal Albert Hall for the evening.

A busy week, and a tiring week (exacerbated by a burglar alarm failure at 0130 on Saturday morning).  A day’s holiday tomorrow, one we’re very much looking forward to.

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