2017: photography reboot

Happy New Year!

The proposed 365v2 idea was abandoned, in hindsight a sensible decision given the volume of “real” work that it was necessary to get through in the last quarter of 2016.

However, still feel the urge to resurrect my interest in photography, and have the need of a driver to move me forward with that, so a “52 weeks” project for 2017 seems to be perfect.  There’s a lovely Flickr group (here) that focusses on exactly this, and it well stocked with enthusiastic, supportive members.  Week number one (“The Letter O”) is done (entry here), looking forward to moving on to “Broken” in week two, and “Zippers” in week three.

Alongside the weekly challenges, I’m looking at expanding my portraiture skills this year, and given the time of year am starting that off by investigating night portraits.  Looking forward to putting these ideas into practice over the next couple of weeks.

There needs to be a better work-life balance established this year, and I’m looking forward to using photography as a means to drive that forward.

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