Autumn: coming, ready or not

This seems to have been the week that we’ve moved from the tail end of summer, enjoying the last of the sunshine and moderately-warm temperatures even when not sunny, into sub-10 degrees mornings and breath clouding the air when going out to feed the birds.

Still, autumn has it’s positives: as I type, a male greater spotted woodpecker’s dangling off our suet feeder, stocking up for the chilly night ahead, and this afternoon I had the pleasure of attempting to burn some leaves that I’d swept from the drive:

Moist leaves + heat = smoke (19 / 365)

Once the heat of the fire pre-leaves had dried them out, the smoke desisted and they burnt up nicely. Quite a lot of time and effort for not getting through a great many leaves though, although it did give me my photograph for today.

A good Quidco cashback offer for Wex Photographic tempted me to invest in a LED panel this week. I’ve been considering one for a while, and finally went for this. The 365 project is no doubt going to require a moderate amount of indoor photography during the winter months, and using a constant light source seems like a good way to learn a lot more about lighting at the same time. Win / win… hopefully!

Evening's Reading (18 / 365)

(Bye bye woody – he’s just gracefully departed)

Unfortunately I’ve not yet had the opportunity to start the street photography course that I’ve mentioned in a previous post, it keeps being pushed back as week by week my lunchtimes disappear in a blizzard of keystrokes, rather than wandering around with my camera. The discipline of having to take and post a photograph each day is moving from onerous to an enjoyable challenge now, so long may that continue.

Wishing you a happy photographic weekend!

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