354 / 365 to go!

It’s a lovely, sunny Thursday afternoon, and I’ve reached double figures in my 365 photo challenge. Today’s image is the eleventh of the series. Hardly any to go at all then… oh.

It has been fun so far, and photographic opportunities widened by visiting Croydon, Leeds and Nottingham over the past 4 days. I’ve no more trips planned for the next couple of weeks, which is going to challenge me to try and find subjects of at least some interest within reach of home. It’s a challenge I’m looking forward to.

One potential subject is sleeping soundly behind my in my office: Portia is in her second week with us, and she’s been fantastic. Lots of fun, but the combination of a tendency to not keep very still and coming out in low light isn’t an ideal one, even with a camera that produces usable images at high ISOs. I suspect that Portia will feature as several entries within the 365.

However, today’s photograph is another sign of Autumn, a fallen begonia.

Fallen Begonia (011 / 365)

A short post this week because of the focus on work, but with a weekend free to recuperate, relax, then to explore more photographic info there should be more to report next week.

Happy photographing!

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