New week, new project, new resident

It’s been an exciting week.

It started with a lovely couple of days at Swinton Park, a beautiful hotel near Masham in North Yorkshire. Whilst we were there, Mrs G read an interview in a “homes and gardens”-type magasine with a guy who was in the midst of his third or fourth year of a 365 photography project. It may have been feeling rested after a night away, inspired by the beautiful surroundings, or perhaps still enlivened by the wine from the night before, but I decided that I should finally undertake a 365 project, and kicked it off that day.

Today is day three:

Autumnal Feeling (003 / 365)

Over the first three days I’ve realised how much more I’m going to have to think, and how much that’s going to benefit me, so looking forward to seeing how things progress over the next few months. However, as we’re moving towards darker days, perhaps some lighting kit may be in order, we shall see. It will be interesting to see how many times over I can shoot, process and post a 365 image on film.

One of the highlights of our visit was sampling Swinton Hall’s resident cocktail expert’s Espresso Martini. Whilst I’m a big fan of the more standard Martini, and had already enjoyed a pre-dinner Bloody Mary, this was a new experience but one that took little persuasion. Rightly so, as it was absolutely delicious, so much so that either we’ll have to return soon or more practically find a recipe.

Espresso Martini

An hour or so after we returned from the Dales, we happily added a baby Syrian hamster to our household and named her Portia. She has only been with us just over a day, yet has made it quite clear that she knows her own mind, and as her home is in my office I can hear her rustling around in her nest as I type. I’m very much looking forward to Portia’s first appearance in the 365 project.

The return to work today is the first of a particularly busy series of days, involving go lives and client visits. It will be interesting to see what photographic opportunities can be unearthed once the real work has been done.

Happy photography!

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